Saturday, August 27, 2005

Bonne anniversaire!

If you've been reading, you know that I've had a pretty rough week. Monday's news left me crying until the well of my tears had run dry. Tuesday's discovery really just pissed me off. Wednesday, I had to have a biopsy. They say that bad things happen in threes. But even so, the outlook for the birthday festvities on Thursday did not look good.

Since the week was sucking so badly, I decided to take Friday off. I spent the better part of the morning at my favorite spa -- I got a massage, a mani/pedi, and even got my hair done. Then I went shopping (always a favorite activity). I took the puppy on an extra long walk. I enjoyed a long workout, not feeling rushed for the first time in a long time. And then, after taking as long as I wanted to get ready, the new man and I went to a comedy/magic show, where I laughed so hard that my tummy still hurts this morning.

So the hellish week ended happily after all. And my birthday was a happy one, despite the other not-so-happy events of this week. Thanks to everyone for your support about my dad. And thanks to everyone for the birthday cards, flowers, gifts, lunches/dinners, etc. I've never doubted that I have the best friends and family around, but if ever there was a week when I needed a little confirmation, this was it. So thanks for being there.

I heart you all!


OldHorsetailSnake said...

"Laughter is the best medicine." Too bad it doesn't cure key scratches on cars.

Happy birthday, blue eyes. Hugs from Oregon.

Amber said...

Happy Birthday Nicole! I so hope your week is better than last week was!

Montezuma's Revenge said...

Uh oh. Time for me to head down there and give you your birthday spankings.

Carl Spackler said...


1- happy belated birthday
2- sorry to hear about your dad...i'm sure he will be fine
3- will you make the trip to our convention?
4- when will your CD be released on the east coast...and if you go on tour and visit virginia will you sign my copy?

Carl Spackler said...

nicole...i have some great news. i have added your blog to my list of favorites! hope you have a wonderful day!

Miladysa said...

Happy belated birthday Nicole :)

Carl Spackler said...

hey nicole... on a serious note, my step mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and came out ok. she went through chemo, lost her hair, the whole deal so i can somewhat relate to your situation. it seems like you have a very close knit family with plenty of support. if you ever get down just let us know, we will gladly cheer you up!

Montezuma's Revenge said...

Nicole - I thought I'd post my response regarding your convention companionship comment on Spackler's page here since you'll look here first.

First of all, there is not a competition between me and Carl but instead the competition is between you and the other female bloggers attending the convention. Right now you're in good shape - keep it up!

Second - as you said yourself, Carl lives 3,000 miles away while Im up the road from you.

Third - the reason I don't currently have a blog is because I am one of the creative minds behind Spackler's blog so why split it up?

Steph said...

I'm sorry that you had such a hellish week. But happy belated birthday to you! maybe this three day weekend will be good for all of us!

Nicole Kelley said...

Welcome Dong and Steph!

FTMOCS convention, here we come!

W. S. Cross said...

I hope the three bad things have passed! Good luck and let us know how the biopsy came out.