Monday, January 21, 2008

The Happiest/Saddest Day of My Life

There aren't words to adequately describe the juxtaposition of emotions we felt on our wedding day. No one ever expects to couple such a joyous event with such a devastating loss. But the day itself was beautiful. The weather was perfect. I felt like a princess. And our photographer was amazing. So although we didn't get the celebration we had planned, and although our wedding-day memories are tainted with tears, we did manage to get some incredible images of Dave and I before the ceremony. (Regrettably, we didn't get any images of our families or wedding party -- those were planned for later in the day, and so they never happened.)
*Most images courtesy Natalie Moser Photography

1 comment:

Soula said...

your wedding pictures are breath-taking, i am sorry it turned out being such a sad and terrible day.