Sunday, September 10, 2006


I apologize for my recent, sudden disappearance. I was not kidnapped. I was not murdered. But I assure you, my lack of posting activity was for good reason...


Dave was determined to surprise me after letting it slip one drunken night in Las Vegas that a proposal was forthcoming. Remember the funny money clip? And surprise me, he did.

It was my 30th birthday party. August 18th. White trash bowling. Trucker hats for everyone (everyone got a hat when they arrived, and your hat color determined your bowling team -- seriously, how clever am I?), wife beaters (with black bras, of course!), cut-off jean shorts, pizza, wings, jalapeno poppers, beer, a private suite of bowling lanes. It was awesome. Much thanks to all my friends and family who came to help me celebrate (and who unknowingly would share a moment with Dave and I that I will never forget).

Picture if you can, me in three-and-a-half-inch heels (who has time to get bowling shoes when you're busy hosting and socializing?), a piece of pizza in one hand, a bowling ball in the other. I may have been slightly inebriated. Not sure, but I may have been. Between my first and second frames, my lane shut down. I stumbled back to press the "Reset" button, when Dave pointed out a ball that had just rolled up and was glowing in the dark (it was Rock & Bowl that night at the bowling alley). "Hey Blonde Girl" it said, in big, bold, silver letters. Curious, I started to read the other writing on the ball. But then I came to a drawing of a ring and the words "Pop" and "The big question is here."

I spun round to see Dave standing behind me with a ring box and a huge smile. Suddenly, everyone was paying attention, and I think there was some screaming. He dropped to his knee and asked me to be his wife, and after giving my pizza to someone nearby, I immediately accepted. And this time, there was a ring in the box. A beautiful ring, the exact one I wanted, and it's colorless, so it sparkles like you wouldn't believe (as soon as I get a good picture of it, I'll post it).

So I've been a little busy with wedding plans these past three weeks (it will be May 5 at a local vineyard), but I will try not to neglect you anymore.

Hugs and kisses!


Peter said...


And nice work, pulling out "affianced."

Carl Spackler said...

best of luck to both of you as you begin your new life together!

Miladysa said...


Wonderful news and congratulations!!!

twobuyfour said...

Congratulations! May you find all the happiness that two people can possibly share.

Carl Spackler said...

now that you are engaged does this mean you will stop blogging?

Carl Spackler said...

so are you done blogging now that you are engaged?

Carl Spackler said...

merry xmas and happy new year!


your #1 fan on the east coast.

Emily said...

you know, I would think that with your extra time, you'd find time to post some blogs and keeps the rest of the world entertained :)

Carl Spackler said...

i agree with undercover about giving us a Hot Nicole update?!?!