Sunday, October 02, 2005

Three Little Words

I suppose I've known for a while now that he cares very much about me, and that he thinks about me when I'm not with him. This has been made clear since our first date by the thoughtful little things he does, the way he looks at me, the way he talks to me, and how he remembers even small, seemingly insignificant details.

But now it's official -- He Loves Me!* So I just wanted to share this moment of happiness with my friends in blogland.

*Addendum: And I love him!
Sorry, my love, for not making this announcement in the original post. I assumed it was implied. Thanks, Carolyn, for pointing out the omission.


Carl Spackler said...

well good for you nicole! glad you found someone who makes you happy.

Miladysa said...

Yippee!! Congratulations :)

Emily said...

Holy L-bomb Batman!
Does this mean that he gets to know about your blog now?

Carl Spackler said...

i know you like babies...there are some great pictures of a wonderful toddler on my site.

karla said...

That is so exciting! Ahh--I remember the first "I love you." So nice. Congrats on the happiness. Isn't love fun?

Carl Spackler said...

nicole, i know you found your special someone and we are all very happy for you. does this mean you are done blogging?